I’m a seasoned graphic designer with a knack for creating outstanding designs that meet deadlines and stay within budget. I’ve been in the creative field for years, working in various settings like studios, agencies, and corporate in-house teams, both as staff and on contract. I’m well-versed in both print and web design, handling everything from initial concept to final delivery.
I've produced exceptional work because I'm dedicated to ensuring that each and every project is a well-crafted and effective marketing tool. Whether it's web design or corporate collateral, I pride myself on my ability to visually demonstrate a distinct voice for every project. The ability to juggle projects without missing deadlines is a testament to my many years of experience and varied experiences. I've learned to budget my time and assets, and most importantly, I've learned to be flexible and to get things done.
For the better part of my career, I've worked in San Francisco and Silicon Valley, soaking in the dynamic environments they offer. Now based in Sacramento, CA, I serve clients across the country. As a dedicated freelance designer, I'm fully equipped to take on remote contract opportunities with enthusiasm and expertise.

I can be reached at 408-515-6412 or email me at dianarichdesign@gmail.com
Why hire me?  
I'm a talented creative with a great portfolio to prove it
- I’m your creative partner with excellent communication skills
- I work remotely and that saves you money
- I do what I say I’m going to do. No B.S.
- My years of experience means I’m knowledgeable and efficient
- I work hard to stay within your budget. I’m meticulous about my time tracking and billing
- I have flexible hours, often working nights and weekends at no extra fee
- I'm 100% available during your business hours 
- I'm up to speed on your project FAST
- Rush projects are NEVER charged a fee
- You OWN all of artwork that I create
Get in touch
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what others are saying...
“Diana has been an invaluable resource to us at Espressive. She's both a talented designer, and an amazingly strong production person. Her attitude, abilities, and passion for her craft are remarkable. And her willingness to go above and beyond enables us to achieve very aggressive goals.”
— Criss Marshall, Espressive
“Diana is a versatile, award-winning designer who can take a concept (whether it's a vague idea or a detailed vision) and bring it to life. No one likes tight timelines, but they are sometimes inevitable. Diana is great at producing beautiful design work and amazing creativity, even within those tight timeframes. Diana designed countless website projects that I managed. She has the necessary understanding of usability and fundamental coding restrictions, which helps ensure that her web design work really does work. And when she isn't sure of something, she knows when to flag it and ask questions, which saves so much time down the road. Fantastic Photoshop skills too - she can make anything look great! If you're in the market for a seasoned, skilled designer, definitely put Diana on your short list.”
— Karen Newman, Sr. Digital Producer at Critical Mass
“I worked with Diana when I was an account manager for a fast-paced digital agency in Silicon Valley serving clients with very high expectations, Diana Rich was key to helping our clients meet and exceed them. I worked with her for almost 3 years and after having worked with senior designers for a decade at another agency, I can say with full confidence that she is one of the most creative, talented, and EFFICIENT designers around. Diana understands that time is money, always conscious of the client's budgeted hours while delivering world-class creative designs that result in increased sales for our clients and an award-winning portfolio for the agency. I would not hesitate to recommend Diana and continue to work with her as a go-to resource even today.”
— Shyama Sachi

“Diana is an extremely adept and knowledgeable designer. In the time that I worked with her she consistently provided clutch design concepts that hit the mark on both agency and client needs. Her designs are always fun and engaging with clean, accessible UI. I highly recommend her as a designer.” 
— DJ Carey, Global Creative Director at Epsilon

“Diana is one of the most talented and versatile designers I've had the opportunity to work with. Her knowledge and design acumen span from traditional print production to integrated marketing materials and web design. Anyone who hires her is lucky to have her on staff." 
— Trilby Parker, Purematter

“I have worked with Diana for the last 5 years. She is incredibly talented. I have really enjoyed working with her and getting to know her as well. Her Illustrator and Photoshops skills are amazing! She is my go-to resource whenever I need anything creative done well." 
— Samuel Fontejon, Photographer 
Diana served as a key team member in the Chamber's rebranding, providing a fresh, professional new look for our corporate materials. Our new quarterly magazine and our new directory soared in acceptance because of the easy, readable design and look. Diana works magic quickly.
— Hal Silliman, VP Communications, San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce
“Diana has been a strategic partner to Palerra and instrumental in providing creative direction for the brand. Her wide range of design expertise and work efficiency are exemplary—she is a delight to work with.” 
– Upa Hazarika, Palerra, Sr. Director of Marketing & Strategy
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